Refund and Returns Policy


Wrong orders or factory damaged products can be returned within 3 days of the original purchase of the product.
We do not offer refund of cash but we do offer exchange for another product or store credit.

To be eligible for a return, please make sure that:
• The product was purchased in the last 3 days
• The product isn’t used or damaged by consumer.
• The product is in the same condition as received and re-sellable with packaging intact

Please contact us before you send the product:
• By phone number: +233(0)20 905 9093

Send the product to:
Nkuto Haven
House 22, 2nd Lafa street
Awoshie, Accra

Shipping charges

Shipping charges incurred in connection with the return of a product are non-refundable and we do not cover cost for shipping returns or delivery costs.

Damaged items

Only factory damaged products may be considered for returns, within 3 days after purchase. Otherwise damaged products will not be eligible for return and exchange.

Sale items

Sale items cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded.